July 22, 2015

Scripture: Psalm136:1-9
This psalm was probably used responsively in worship. Its simple response allows it to include all the people who were there who could speak; no reading or memorization necessary. The psalm directs the hearer to give thanks to God, repeating over and over again, “for his steadfast love endures forever.” So this psalm functions as a type of liturgy to lead the people to give thanks for who he is, what he has done, and, of course, for his steadfast love.
The steadfast love of God is essential to his character. It is because of his steadfast love that God does all the good things he does for his people. It is his chosen attitude toward us: steadfast love. We should take note of those words. It is not merely that God loves us, but his love is steadfast, unchanging, and unbreakable. In this way we can understand this steadfast love as another way of speaking of God’s grace and the love that moved him to give Jesus to redeem us.
The psalm itself divides into five sections; verses 1-9 being the first two. The first section declares God’s uniqueness among the gods because his steadfast love endures forever. The gods of this earth may be fickle in the affection for people, but God’s is not! The second section describes God in regard to the glories of his creation, which are also attributed to his steadfast love. Even the beautiful things we see in this world are the product of God’s steadfast love.
This psalm urges us four different times to give thanks to God. What do we have to give thanks for? How about these things that Luther includes in this definition of daily bread: food, drink, clothing, shoes, house, home, land, animals, money, goods, a devout husband or wife, devout children, devout workers, devout and faithful rulers, good government, good weather, peace, health, self-control, good reputation, good friends, faithful neighbors, and the like.
Even greater than these things, though, is the good news that God’s steadfast love endures forever. The one who is greater than all the gods and created all the marvels of this world has looked upon us and loved us in such a way that nothing can break that love. In fact, when we sin against him he continues to love us, and that is why he gave Jesus to redeem us and reconcile us to him. Give thanks, indeed!


This prayer is written in the theme of Thanksgiving.

We give you thanks, O Lord, for you are good and your steadfast love endures forever. You are the God of gods and Lord of lords, and you have pledged your steadfast love for us will last to eternity. Thank you! You created this world and all its wonders: the heavens, seas, and land, and the sun, moon, and stars and you sustain them because your steadfast love endures forever. Thank you! When you saw mankind’s condition and knew our broken sinfulness, even then, your steadfast love endured and we give you thanks and praise! You did not leave us in our sin, but cleansed us with Jesus’ blood shed for us. Why would you do that? Because your steadfast love endures forever. Thank you, O God! Amen. 
