July 1, 2015


Scripture: Psalm 123
Psalm 123 is one of the Songs of Ascents, songs sung by pilgrims on the way to Jerusalem. However, this one is unique. Most of the Songs of Ascent have a positive message in the end, so that even if they lament trials and suffering they confidently declare trust in God to rescue them. This psalm is the prayer of the downtrodden and those who are mocked for their faith and obedience to God. It is a cry for mercy. This psalm gives us words to pray when we, too, are worn out by the scorn and contempt of those who are of this world, and reminds us to keep our eyes on the Lord in the midst of our troubles.
In sports, players are often urged to keep their eye on the ball. Here we are urged to keep our eyes on God. In the past, servants and slaves lived wholly at their masters’ will and they relied on them completely for every good thing in their lives. The same is true for us. Our eyes are fixed on God to see his mercy as he gives us what we need.
Yet the world scorns those who wait on the Lord. Those who are at ease find their comfort in earthly pleasures and feel no need for God’s mercy. Those who rely on God’s mercy are treated with contempt, as the proud of this world rely on their own power, wealth, or skill.
Where are your eyes right now? Are they on the problems in your life? Are they focused on earthly things – pleasures, sorrows, comforts, insults? The world gives a two sided temptation to us as it places both good things and bad things before us. Either could be our focus, distracting us from the God who has had mercy on us.
So where do our eyes belong? On God. On the cross. It is there that we see God’s mercy so clearly revealed to us. The contempt that we experience because we faithfully follow Jesus may get us down, but God’s mercy is greater, and his promise is more permanent than the scorn and contempt we face here. Do not lose heart! God’s mercy is yours.


This prayer is written in the theme of Confession.

O Lord, we confess to you that we grow weary of the contempt we bear because of our faith in you. Forgive us for the times we have given in to the temptations of ease and pride, comfort and power. Too often we take our eyes off of you and do not trust you to provide us with all that we need, and we long to solve our problems in our own power. Forgive us for not waiting patiently for your mercy. Forgive us for the times that your promises were not enough for us, and help us to be content in your forgiveness. Amen. 
