
Genesis 1 & 2

Order is one of God’s good and gracious gifts that we see in the Creation account of Genesis 1 and 2. Often we focus on His power and kindness in the straightforward action of Creation. We would not exist if God had not chosen to make us. It was not random chance that brought us into being. And we thank God that He created this world in an orderly way.

There was darkness, then God created light. Evening and morning cycle to make a day. Water, air and ground are given boundaries. Vegetation yields seed and fruit according to their kind. (Can you imagine how ridiculous it would be if you planted carrots and got rhubarb? Or an apple tree that bore potatoes?) Animals – birds, fish, and land animals – all breed according to their kind.

One of the most incredible and observable examples of order in God’s creation is the motion of the heavenly bodies. Both sun and moon rise and fall predictably (at least that is how we perceive it) so that we can count days, weeks, and months. It is our planet’s relationship to the sun that gives us the measurement of years. Watch the stars and see how the stars return to their places year after year, season by season. It is all done in a predictable, orderly fashion.

The order of the universe is a mark of God’s wisdom and love. As sinful people, we strive against God’s order – His design for how we should live, how the world should work, and how we relate to Him, one another, and the world. But God’s design is still there. It is frustrated because of our sin, but it is not gone. And part of God’s redemption is the restoration of that order. As redeemed people we begin to feel the longing for restoration even now, praying for God’s will to be done. Thanks be to God, it will be done! One day, when Jesus, the crucified and risen One, returns, He will set all things right – according to the Father’s order.

Lord, I have resisted the order You created, but You have restored me in Christ’s death and resurrection. Help me live within your order now, and display Your wisdom and love to the world. Amen. 
